Smilekraft Dental Clinic

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Dental Clinic

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment | Causes & Remedies To Keep In Mind

If you experience pain or discomfort while eating cold or hot foods such as an ice cream, coffee, or tea, it may be because you have sensitive teeth. Our teeth are weakened by high and low temperatures. People with sensitive teeth feel sudden or acute pain when they indulge in hot or cold food. 

Pain caused by hypersensitivity can be temporary or chronic sensitivity usually is very sharp shooting pain which can be very discomforting. The problem usually is very mild , it is important thus to check why the sensitivity is happening and exactly where it is happening from . After examining your oral health, your dentist will determine the cause of sensitive teeth. Then, once he knows your sensitive teeth symptoms, he will suggestt treatment options for sensitive teeth.Studies have shown that sensitivity is very common 10-30% of the population suffers from sensitive teeth. So you don’t have to give up your favorite hot or cold beverage.

Meaning Of Tooth Sensitivity

If the teeth are sensitive, certain activities like eating or drinking hot or cold foods, can cause severe pain and sensations in the teeth. Dentin hypersensitivity can be seen in all age groups, right from children to adults. The main reason of hypersensitivity is tooth enamel erosion or root exposure. Severe pain and discomfort are the initial signs of the resulting effects of having sensitive teeth.

Additionally, you should not think that your teeth will become less sensitive or this issue will disappear on its own. If you have sensitivity, it’s wise to see your dentist to check your oral health. A visit to a well-known, hygiene-friendly and patient-centered dental office like  ours  Smilekraft Dental Clinic can  solve your sensitive tooth problem.

Teeth Sensitivity Reason

Lifestyle and poor oral hygiene are the main causes of sensitive teeth. Also, some people have sensitive teeth due to thin enamel. However, the following are the common reasons that result to having sensitive teeth:

  • Hypersensitivity can be experienced by using a hard toothbrush or by applying excessive force to the teeth while brushing.
  • Bruxism during sleep is one of the causes of dentine hypersensitivity.
  • It can also be caused by consuming too many acidic foods and drinks.
  • It can also be caused by gastroesophageal reflux, as stomach acid can enter the mouth and cause erosion of tooth enamel. In some cases, improper oral hygiene, cracked, chipped or chipped teeth can cause tooth sensitivity.
  • Receding gums can expose teeth roots and cause sensitivity.
  • Dental procedures, such as fillings and crowns, can cause sensitivity for a period of time.
  • Micro cracks in your teeth is another common cause of sensitivity

Sensitive Teeth Remedies

If you are suffering from sensitive teeth, few  activities such as brushing, eating and drinking can cause temporary, sharp pain in your teeth. Sensitive teeth are usually caused by worn enamel or exposed roots. However, dental problems can be caused by other factors such as Cavities, broken or chipped teeth, worn fillings or periodontal disease. If you have sensitive teeth, consult your dentist. We can identify or rule out the underlying cause of the toothache. Depending on your situation, your dentist may recommend:

1) Sensitive toothpaste – After a few uses, a desensitizing toothpaste may help block pain associated with sensitive teeth. Ask your dentist which product is best for you. Never self medicate as they are easily available it is advised only when gums receed

2) Fluoride – Our dentist may apply fluoride to sensitive areas of your teeth to strengthen the enamel and reduce pain. He or she may also suggest using prescription fluoride at home, applied via a separate tray.

3) Desensitization or binding – In some cases, exposed root surfaces can be treated by applying a bonding resin to the delicate root surface. Local anesthesia may be required. Root coverage procedure d t. If the root has lost gum tissue, a small amount of gum tissue can be taken from another area of the mouth and attached to the affected area. This will help protect exposed roots and reduce susceptibility.

4) Root Canal – If a sensitive tooth is causing severe pain and other treatments have not been effective, we may recommend root canal treatment. This is a procedure that treats problems with the soft core (pulp) of the tooth. While this may seem like an important treatment, it is considered the most successful technique for eliminating tooth sensitivity.

What Is Gum Sensitivity/ Gum Soreness ?

Gum tenderness or pain may be mild or severe. Some people dismiss mild sensitivities as a minor annoyance. But sore gums can be a sign of a more serious problem. it’s important

People with sensitive gums may experience pain when brushing or flossing. The pain may subside gradually or may be persistent. Sensitive gums may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bleeding
  • Bad breath

Remember that there is a difference between tooth and gum sensitivity. Depending on where the pain is, it can be difficult to tell if the problem is in the gums or the teeth.However, hypersensitivity can cause pain when eating or drinking cold or hot foods. Some underlying causes of tooth sensitivity include:

– Cavity

– Worn enamel

If pain and tenderness do not improve or get worse after changing your habits, see your dentist. This could be a sign of infection or gum disease. If you have early or advanced periodontal disease, you need thorough dental care to remove plaque and tartar and reverse sensitivity.Tenderness and bleeding may be signs of autoimmune disease, leukemia, or blood disorders.


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