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Braces Side Effects And How You Can Avoid The Common Mistakes | Smilekraft Cares

The perfect smile can do wonders for your self-esteem in almost every setting. You no longer have to be conscious of the one thing that makes you appear five times more attractive. Misaligned teeth affect the majority of people out there and a conscious smile is the last thing someone needs to be worried about. Luckily this is no longer a cause for concern thanks to the existence of  aligners and braces. However, there are many that are worried about the side effects of braces that stop them from getting their pearly whites aligned. Let’s see what these side effects really are and how they affect an individual.

Teeth Braces Benefits

Before we dive into the subject of what problems you think you might face with braces, let’s look at all the pros for a little reassurance that it’s not all that bad. Braces have been around for a long time. With research and development in the field of science, you have access to aligners that are easy to use and don’t hinder your daily life. What are the benefits you ask? 

Common Teeth Braces Side Effects

Now that we have covered the benefits one might receive, you might be enthusiastic to visit your orthodontist as soon as possible. However, it is good to keep some of the bad side effects that may occur in mind so you aren’t caught by surprise. You will be better prepared and have more knowledge which will keep your mind at ease and help you take the right course of action if need be. Some of the side effects of braces are mentioned below.

Side Effects Of Braces Tightening

When your teeth are straightened using conventional braces, you’re required to visit the orthodontist every four to six weeks. The orhtodontist will tighten the wires to move the teeth to the desired postion. During the process of tightening, the wires will apply pressure to your teeth and you may face face slight pain

– Sore teeth due to the pressure that is put on them while tightening.

– Jaw pain as the teeth are being moved.

– Trouble eating as braces might hinder you from efficiently chewing your food.

– Your gums might feel sore as well due to the pressure on your teeth.

Do keep in mind that the symptoms mentioned above vary between patients. Some of them may not even feel any of these side effects while others may feel a few of them. This is because everybody has different tolerance thresholds. While other factors are in control of the individual and any negative effects of braces can be controlled with effective care. Make sure to keep the below points in mind while getting braces.

– Mild discomfort and irritaion as your teeth, jaws and gums are not used to this feeling.
– Tooth decay because of poor dental hygiene as food can get stuck in the braces and therefore need efficient cleaning.
– Allergic reactions to rubber used in the braces.
-Teeth moving out of place again because of negligence of not using retainers that are provided. 

How To Clean Teeth Braces?

Tooth care is a must when one has braces because the likelihood of plaque build up, swollen gums and tooth decay are higher when you have braces. Focusing on dental care keeps your teeth healthy and safe from further issues. How can one maintain their teeth when getting an alignment you ask? 


Though an individual takes thorough measures to avoid any problems, there might still be some doubts looming around their mind. Some of these questions are more common among a majority of people and rightfully so because braces help change an aspect of your body permanently. Below are some of the frequently asked questions.

Can Braces Harm Your Teeth?

Braces are carefully put into place by your orthodontist to benefit you in the best way possible. After which it will be your responsibility to maintain them and look after them till the completion of the procedure. 

Do Braces Affect Eyesight?

There is absolutely no evidence of such relation 

What Is The Age Limit For Braces?

There is no age limit. It is preferable that braces are introduced to individuals at a younger age. As treatment is faster in teenagers, beyond that age the speed of treatment remains the same 

Can Braces Treatment Go Wrong?

The course of your treatment must be supervised by a qualified specialist with experience. If not, there are chances that the treatment might not go as planned. It also in your hands to follow the necessary precautions and steps provided by your orthodontist to get the best results.

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